The publications, databases and events produced by the IDB are only the end-products of a rigorous academic process. The research projects behind these outcomes can be as important as the final result in terms of their learning and networking potential. Numerous social, political and economic experts participate in the intellectual journey involved in these research projects. Their queries, critiques and contributions are valuable inputs to the process. The competition among high-level research institutes, the exchange of ideas, the development of new datasets and methodologies, and the oversight of leading academics all contribute to assuring the excellence of the IDB's research program. For this reason, it is important not only to present the fruits of the IDB's research program but to document the process involved in the research projects it conducts.
Research project name
Quality of Life in Urban Neighborhoods in Latin America and the Caribbean
The Political Economy of Productivity: Actors, Arenas and Policymaking
Diagnostic of the agricultural sector and policies in Belize, Central America, Dominican Republic and Panama
Transparency and Accountability: The Case of Public Hospitals in Latin America.
Adolescents and Young Adults in Latin America: Critical Decision at a Critical Age
The Elasticity of Substitution in Demand for Non-Tradable Goods in Latin America
A Dynamic Analysis of Household Decision-Making in Latin America
The Impact of Training Policies in Latin America and the Caribbean
The Emergence of New Successful Export Activities in Latin America & the Caribbean
Innovation, R&D Investment and Productivity in Latin American and Caribbean Firms
Teachers in Latin America: Careers and Incentives
Discrimination and Economic Outcomes
Regulation, Organization and Incentives. The Political Economy of Potable Water Services
Determinants and Consequences of Financial Constraints Facing Firms in Latin America and the Caribbean
Costs and Benefits of Privatization in Latin America
Industrial Policies in Latin America and the Caribbean
Child Health, Poverty and the Role of Social Policies
The Structure of Public Debt in Latin America
The Political Economy of Exchange Rate. Policies in Latin America and the Caribbean
Market Institutions, Labor Market Dynamics, Growth and Productivity:An Analysis of Latin America and the Caribbean